Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Everyone is still alive

and happy!

Hayden and Donovan are becoming more and more alert everyday. Donovan enjoys laying on the floor mat with stuff hanging in front of him, such as Hailey's beard. Hayden enjoys swinging in the swing and watching the mobile and the tv. They also are starting to smile more often when you talk to them.

We started Stranger Danger training with the boys by watching the Hitcher tonight. I think they got the message about aiding people walking down the road looking for a ride.


Anonymous said...

Letter to the Editor,
As a frequent reader of your column I think that it would be helpful if you would have some photos with all of your articles. I think that it would help us (the readers) have a better understanding of the topics covered. Thanks Laura from EC

Anonymous said...

yeah, I agree with Laura from EC's comment - I mean you only work full time have two babies and a dog along with a sleep deprived new mommy to contend with but gosh darnit we want some pics!!!!! ;)

Kyle the Dad said...

You will get the photos offered and you will like it. Actually, Grandpa Dan has our cameras right now since Melissa left them at the lake. Once I get them back, I will post more pictures.

Additionally Laura, I did not take any pictures of us watching the Hitcher. Next time, I will.