Monday, July 16, 2007

Tum, Ta-Tum Tum-Tum

The Boys went to the doctor today! Hayden weighed 9 Lbs 8 ozs. Donovan weighed 9 lbs 2 ozs. They were both about 22 inches long and in the bottom 5% for their weight to age range. The doctor gave Donovan a prescription for reflux, since he probably has the heartburn and acid reflux of a 53 year old long haul trucker. Both boys were also diagnosed with holycrapamIcuteonin all over their heads, and they each are battling a case of gonnabeacutekid syndrome as well, also known as GBCK Syndrome or That Kid From The Jerry Maguire Movie Disease. That can last for a few years. All in all, Melissa said they did fine going to the doctor.

Donovan was really cute tonight. I held him for about an hour, and he was wide awake. He kept smiling and just wanted attention and entertainment. We watched Victoria Beckham's show with Melissa. Donovan liked that. Hayden was busy eating and then went to sleep in the swing in the family room. About 8:00 p.m., Donovan started crying and he was upset until about now. I just set him in the swing in the bedroom and he seems happy, so hopefully his tummy settled down. Melissa will give him the reflux medicine shortly before we go to bed. Hayden is downstairs I think. He might be outside with Hailey. I should go check.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear poor Donovan is a vicitim of reflux. Does he enjoy a syringe full of hot, festering, peppermint liquid as much as Sonja? At least it works and you caught it early.

Hail to the Ranitidine!


Kyle the Dad said...

I believe he does enjoy it. He enjoys Mylicon drops more though! He also enjoys Pina Coladas and getting caught in the Rain.