Thursday, July 5, 2007

Swinging in the Rain!

The boys like the swing . . . when they are tired enough for it. Since it has rained a bit, they have spent time inside swinging. I want to make it very clear, the fact they like the swing does not make them swingers.

They had an uneventful Fourth of July. After doing some yard work, we all went into Rapids for lunch, and then I went to Menards to buy some fun stuff. Melissa, the boys and Grandma Sue went to the Wisconsin Rapids Mal. I purposely mispelled Mall because the Rapids Mal is not deserving of the extra L.

The boys went to Pizza Hut today with their mom, grandma Sue and grandpa Dan. I was busy earning the boys some money by working in Madison.

Right now, it is the boys' witching hours. Yes, they have more than one hour. They even have more than two. That is right--they have four! From about 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. every night, they are a real joy to be around. On the positive side, they do sleep between 2 - 3 hours at a time, but they do take longer to get back to sleep, so it is about 1.5 hours from the time they both get back to sleep after the first one wakes. screaming baby, got to go


Unknown said...

We also have a mal in Ithaca. It vaguely reminds me of the mal that the Blues Brothers drove through. It's about half the size of the Square and in need of a major update. But what do you expect from a city that has a metro area the size of Brookfield?

Count me among those who are a bit intrigued as to what camping with newborns entails. Best of luck.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Joe,

Good to see you are already enjoying the finer side of Ithaca.

Lisa and John said...

I spent many a friday night at the Rapids Mal ala "MallRats"- although when I was a kid instead of that 8000 square foot fireplace store, there actually was a Maurices, which makes sheltered 14 year old girls happy.

Hope you eventually get some sleep!

Anonymous said...


Were you a MalRat?

Anonymous said...

That's OK We have Coastal Grand Maul in Myrtle Beach.