Monday, May 21, 2007

Hayden, Donovan, and their friend Billy Reuben

The boys' bilirubin levels were stable today. A blood test is conducted to measure bilirubin and to determine whether a high level warrants the return of the glow worm light to prevent jaundice. Their levels were low enough and they will not get their glow worm lights back.

The boys were chugging their meals very well today when we were with them this morning and tonight. They had to be gavaged this afternoon, but they came back chugging for their next two feedings. That is a good thing.

When we were there tonight, Donovan wouldn't go back to sleep. He just laid there staring out into the big wide world of the NICU (sans hiccups, which is what he usually does when he is staring). This kid is going to be a professional starer on ESPN when he gets older. The other night, I clocked him at over a minute without fully blinking, and he is ready to drop a staring beat-down on any visitors.

Both boys passed their hearing examinations. Congratulations guys! We will be hosting a party at the NICU Wednesday night at 2:30 a.m. to celebrate. If anyone wants to attend, then just show up. No RSVP required or expected. BYOB.

I completed part II of my stress test today and got a second shot of nuclear material in my blood. My grade on the test is an incomplete, because I have not heard the results yet. However, turn off the lights, and I'll glow. Melissa banned me from our bomb shelter for fear of contaminating it with radiation.

The nurse who helped with my stress test had twin girls born late-34 weeks and they both stayed in the NICU for 12 days. She and her husband actually stayed at the hospital the whole time. We had that option available, but it costs money after a while, and we only live 10-15 minutes away depending on traffic. She said that one day, her girls just clicked with the feeding and they were sent home soon after. The boys have been in for 12 days now. We'll be home soon.

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