Saturday, May 17, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Life has been pretty busy this previous week. I left town on Mother's Day for work. The boys and Melissa traveled up to the Lake and stayed there for the week. I met up with them late Wednesday night. We've had a nice visit, but it has been cold and today it was really windy and rainy. We went rummage sale shopping this morning. We got a Little Tykes play table and a slide with a climbing cube attached to it. Pretty cool stuff . . . well for Donovan and Hayden it is. For us, the Wii is pretty cool. Donovan thought standing up and clapping was cool. No one is walking yet, but it will likely be soon.

Melissa and I watched Sicko last night by Michael Moore. We were not convinced, and it was not as good as some of his other movies (I refuse to call them documentaries). We get movies for free from the library down the street from us up north. We also got Breach, but we haven't had a chance to watch that one yet.

Dan and Sue watched the boys tonight from 4 - 6. Melissa and I went to Walmart and dinner. It was very weird going to Walmart together without the rest of the team. It was also nice not getting stopped 53 times with people asking if the babies are boys or girls. We then went to dinner at a local supper club. It was unremarkable. If anyone knows the difference between a Supper Club and a restaurant, then please let us know.

Hopefully the fish survived this week. I just bought a giant can of food for them. Wish them luck!


Anonymous said...

A restaurant is a place that serves food and sometimes has a bar or serves alcohol. A supper club ( a Wisconsin anomoly ) is a bar that also serves food.


Kyle the Dad said...

Thanks Dad. I appreciate the distinction. Needless to say, Melissa and I both smelled like an ashtray once we sat down after merely passing through the bar area.

Kyle the Dad said...

Thanks Dad. I appreciate the distinction. Needless to say, Melissa and I both smelled like an ashtray once we sat down after merely passing through the bar area.

Anonymous said...

The Wisconsin Philosophical Question I've always had is why is Firday night Fried Fish Dinner at the local bar called a "Fish Lunch"?

Anonymous said...

Good question. Also, what is a "bubbler" and what is "pop"?