(1) Don't buy milk for your kids at stores or restaurants. Just go to Starbucks, fill up the sippy with whole milk or half-and-half at the milk and sugar station and high tail it out. You never have to worry about hitting up the same Starbucks twice for free milk because there are over 1.2 million Starbucks in Manhattan with 10,000 more popping up each day.
(2) Just go to Central Park and ride the State Island Ferry everyday. They are both free. Also, stiff the Met when they say "whatever you wish to contribute for enterring"
(3) Forget your hotel, either stay at P'Diddys or sleep in the Subway--its warm!
(4) Buy from the Off-Broadway hot dog vendors--they are $.50 cheaper per dog.
(5) go to Manhattan Kansas
(6) Skip the M&M Store and go to the Skittles store in the Bronx. It is a lil' riskier, but probably cheaper
(7) If some dude can play guitar in Times Square in his underwear, then so can you! Grab a pair of drumsticks, an empty five gallon bucket, play and panhandle
(8) When the guys at the Plaza hotel (a ritzy hotel on the southeast edge of Central Park) tell your their bathroom is "under construction" and is not open to the public, then go in a plant in the lobby.
(9) There are enough pigeons and other birds in the parks and the City that you can eat by hunting them. Plus, no one will miss them.
(10) "Can I have a lot of crackers with my soup? I said a lot of crackers!"
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