For those of you who are concerned about the boys' sleep patterns, following is the boys' current sleep status:
(1) The boys do not sleep through the night; and even if one of them magically did, the other one would probably not.
(2) The boys sleep more at a time than they did after they came home in the end of May. In May and June, they slept for at most 1.5 to 2 hours in a row. In July, that changed to about 3 consecutive hours. In August, the boys now sleep any where from 2 hours to 5 hours at a time, which is very much appreciated.
(3) The boys do not always sleep at the same time. While one is sleeping, the other one might be up during that time.
On Friday night, Donovan slept from 10:45 pm until 4:00am. Hayden slept from 10:00 pm until 1:00 am, and then again until about 3:30 am. Both boys then slept until 6:30 am.
Thank you Mr. Donovan:
On Saturday night, the boys went to sleep at about 10:00 a.m. One woke up at 1:30 am and the other at 2:00 am. Hayden woke up at 5:30 and Donovan woke up at 5:55 am. Hayden went back to sleep, Donovan didn't.
Thank you Mr. Hayden:
Melissa and I will begin calling those who ask about the boys' sleep patterns--excluding the boys' treating physician--each time the boys wake up in the middle of the night and then again when they go back to sleep. That way, those people can "experience" how well the boys are doing at sleeping through the night, and they will have no need to ask the question, or variants thereof, as to whether the boys are sleeping through the night. As of now, they can expect between 8 and 24 calls a night.
Boy....reading that wordy blog made me want to snooze for 5 straight hours. ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz.
Thank goodness you had photos of the little cuties to make up for it! Hope you are all well despite sleep deprivation! Sonja is still up 2-3 times so I feel half your pain.
Big Sis
At least that way we'd get a call once in a while from our son the boy who used to call us collect person to person and identify himself as "Kyle call me back"
Keep up the good work boy's, it's good training for your dad.
" How are the Boys sleeping Kyle"?
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