Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Time for a complaint session about Kashi

The boys like the Kashi rice pilaf packs (tonight they had Morrocan Curry). Why, I don't know. Kashi is swahili for "tastes like aardvark $#!t" Plus, the boys are not 58-years old and recovering from their first heart attack or some crazed flaxed up health nut who thinks that Kashi is not only healthy, but is also mighty tasty compared to the lettuce leaves they ate for the last 9 years. That said, Kashi rice pilaf is a real pain in the neck for them to eat. The stuff doesn't clot together and stay on a baby fork with ease. Instead, they get a scoopful o' Kashi, and by the time it reaches their mouth, we have Kashi all over. I don't know if you have ever had Kashi all over your house, but I remember some times when my parent's dogs were locked in the laundry room all night when they had the runs and it would resemble that. So tonight, we had Kashi to the left, Kashi to the right, Kashi on the floor, and Kashi all night. But the boys were happy. The other night we had a Kashi pilaf dish that smelled like an ashtray. I have some Kashi granola type cereal to try with them next. If you have ever eaten it before, it is like eating a bowl full of gravel, which for some reason it tastes like gravel. Pretty interesting how Kashi was able to take 7 grains and screw up the mixture and make it taste like gravel. I think there is a Nobel prize for that. That said, we will keep buying Kashi stuff if it makes the two of them eat. Kashi, send us coupons.


Anonymous said...

Kyle's streams of consciencousness are always entertaining.

Anonymous said...

We had a box of Kashi cereal (compressed sawdust) for about a year. Worst stuff I ever tasted. Next worst is the Kashi artificially insemenated sausage.

Anonymous said...

Think of Kashi as your penance for imbibing McDonald's, Frosted Flakes and giant plates of scrambled eggs and cheese with slabs of bacon at the lake.

Anonymous said...

I Love Kashi. Good and Good for you. On sale at Target this week! The honey almond flax cereal is great and so is the heart to heart cereal. As for the sawdust flavor....I say no pain, no gain so BRING IT. But then again I live in Madison where Kashi is the official city diet.
Send ME the flippin' coupons.


Anonymous said...


We are using Kashi Honey Almond Flax Cereal instead of asphalt to make a driveway up north.


Anonymous said...

Kyle, Sounds delicious.

Anonymous said...

I know in this household we are not allowed to buy the stuff anymore. If for some reason it shows up in my pantry, I will make sure we send it up to you.
The Grandmother who tolerates it sometimes!!

Anonymous said...

I second Karolyn, Kashi is a not just a cereal, in Madison, it is a way of life. Now, where are my Birkenstocks?

Anonymous said...

Is "Birkenstocks" code for "hammer and sicle"?

Anonymous said...

Can you wear Birkenstocks in 14" of snow at -20 degrees? Yes, if you're high on Madison? {pun intended}

Unknown said...

I stumbled over your hilarious post after throwing an entire bowl of Kashi U (Black Currants & Walnuts) into the sink. Disgusting stuff — it was like chewing pea gravel. And keep in mind this cereal had been soaking in milk for about ten minutes!