Poor Tubby has the chucks. He can't keep much down. It started this morning when he was laying in bed with me and Melissa. Clean up in aisle H immediately commenced along with a scrub-a-dub-dub of the sheets and pillow cases. Breakfast was a separate disaster. Fortunately, Doodle hasn't erupted yet. He and I went to Menards and the grocery store tonight. Hayden stayed home and watched Yo Gabba Gabba on the DVR. Donovan will probably erupt tonight and give us a nice double dose tomorrow.
The boys home life is finally getting back to normal. After being banished from the living room and dining room for a week while the hardwood floors were refinished and being allowed on that hallowed ground, they were instead wisked away to Rome to send off the camper for the rest of the winter, then to Wausau to see Great Grandma Lucy, then down to Madison to Carson's birthday and then up to Eau Claire to see Aunt Laura and Uncle Scott and then back home, all in three days. The drive home from Eau Claire was a real joy with icy roads slowing traffic to a crawl for the last leg of the drive. But the boys now have all their rooms to roam in. I do not know if we will even both putting the Superyard (Baby Gitmo) back up for them. Maybe to protect the Christmas tree.
But with all the fun, it is often so busy that you forget to stop and watch them grow up, which they are . . . very quickly. They build things, tear things down meticulously, give hugs, and share (when asked or forced). It seems like something new happens each day. I can't wait for it to be loading the dishwasher.