Sunday, July 19, 2009

Melissa, Where the heck is the camera?

I need the memory card to post more pictures.

Potty training is great. Melissa has done a heck of a job with the boys. Hayden peed in the road today in front of the house. Donovan is really taking to potty training. He has done a good job of running around in underwear, holding it, and then going pee-pee on the potty in exchange for an M&M. Hayden is still doing his own thing, but hopefully he will follow suit when he sees Donovan livin' large with M&Ms. Hayden does try to sit on the potty, but usually ends up holding it, and then using his Diego car as a potty. There have been successes and for them to be doing this at 2 years 2 months is pretty exciting. We hope we have bought our last 1000 pack of wipes.

We have been in the process of decorating our new house with blinds and drapes. We previously used a dark maroon quilt in the boys room to block out the light. We bought some light-filtering cordless cellular blinds for their room this weekend and hooked them up. Needless to say, we ended up also hooking up the dark maroon quilt when they refused to nap.

Time to look for the camera.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Death Boat

What the heck are they doing out that far in the water in Flash, the paddle boat? Needless to say, they were more excited about the tube. However, the kids all love Flash and enjoy taking a spin around the point.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!

We wore these outfits last year!

Our first tube ride!

Uncle Jason out with Cousins Sonja and Carson!