Thursday, May 31, 2007

Huggies Premie Diapers v. Pampers Premie Diapers

We increased the boys feeding intervals from approximately 8 per day to 11 or 12. They are happier, and we are a little sleepier, but with them more content, they are easier to handle. The boys eat for about a forty minutes to an hour, sleep for an hour to an hour-and-a-half, and the cycle repeats itself. They remain full and content. We remain content, but a little more tired . . . . Both boys are contently sleeping next to me right now while I am working. Melissa is outside getting some fresh air.

Now, the critique on Huggies Premie Diapers v. Pampers Premie Diapers. Huggies are awful. They leak all over, and we end up having to put the boys in new shirts and blankets at least 2 - 3 times a day because of leaks. We found a loincloth to be more absorbent than these rags. Pampers Premie diapers, while a little bit smaller than Huggies Premie diapers, are much better with fewer leaks. Either way, once the boys are done with their next 30 pack of Huggies Premies, they are moving to Huggies Newborns (which we hope are better than Huggies Premie diapers). After they are done with that box of potential garbage, they will move to Pampers FatHog diapers.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Still alive

The boys are doing well. we took them for their first walk on Memorial Day. I used the jogging stroller which worked really well. We had to put in some extra cushioning so the boys could fit in it properly. The boys also got to meet our neighbors across the street while on our walk.

The boys went to the doctor on Tuesday morning and both appear to be doing well. Donovan weighed 5 lbs. 14 oz, and Hayden weighed 6lbs. The little boy next to them, who was 4 days old, was huge compared to both of ours. The doctor thought they looked good. They are both still a little jaundiced, but they don't need lights.

The boys have been little vampires the last two nights. They sleep hard during the day. On Monday night, they were both up and crying until 2:30 or so, then they woke up, cried, and . . . at 4:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. so we got very little sleep. Last night, they were both up every hour and half or so, but neither really cried too much. I have to take a nap. We went to Target, and I was falling asleep pushing the cart. I am hitting exhaustion since I haven't slept well the last three nights and haven't napped at all since the boys came home. Melissa is hanging in there. She took a good nap yesterday and was pretty refreshed today.

My sister is coming later today with my nieces in the photos below. This will be the boys first visit with other babies.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Post-Bath Photos!

I have crazy eyes, and I like to stare!

Trying to recover from bath time terror!

We don't take baths, we clean ourselves!

Bath Time Hell (Hayden)

We gave the boys baths today! Jenn and Mike gave us the bath tub, toys and wash cloths. The boys think Jenn and Mike gave Mommy and Daddy a torture device! It was a pleasant experience for no one in the room!

Hayden oblivious to what is about to happen to him!


Hailey (who also hates baths) surveying the wreckage in the background!

Bath Time Hell (Donovan)

Someone . . . Anyone . . .

Daddy took this picture right before I peed all over the place!!!

All cleaned up after bath number 2!!!

Homecoming Photos from Friday Afternoon!

Hanging out with Jenn and Mike!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hayden & Donovan meet Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Hayden and Donovan had special visitors today all the way from Iowa, as Mr. and Mrs. Smith came to see Hayden and Donovan. Hayden and Donovan had a nice visit with Mr. and Mrs. Smith, as the boys partook in sleeping, napping, and all-out lethargy during the whole visit! Jenn and Mike also brought some of Hailey's best friends--Mya and Phoebe! The pets had a great day hanging out in the backyard and then having naptime on the pillows! Melissa and I also had a nice visit with Jenn and Mike, and we are very glad they came to visit and that they are doing well!

The evening with the boys has been a bit more challenging. After eating, neither went back to sleep. Instead, they went on a crying bender until they ate again. I prefer when they go on sleeping benders.

Friday, May 25, 2007

More Photos on Yahoo from Today!!!

Here is the link:

Carson Gabrielle and Sonja Joy and Wlcome Home Presents!!!

This is a picture of my nieces Carson and Sonja, daughters of my sister Karolyn and brother-in-law Jason!

Thank you very, very much Brian, Laurie, Andy and Matt for the second Chicco mother-of-all High Chairs and the umbrella stroller! It came right when we got home!!! Now, the kids can eat!!!

John and Lisa, thank you for the matching outfits with Teddy Bears on them! We lost one of our matching outfits at the NICU and Melissa will be happy to have these nice outfits too!

Even More Pictures!!!!

More pictures!!!!!

We barely fit into our car seats!!!

This was our home for 17 days!!!

And . . . Home!!!!!

Hayden and Donovan have released the following statement to the press:

We are happy to finally go home and be with mommy, daddy, hellhound, moose, heretic and "Friends of Fraggle's Friends" (AKA the fish who have not been named since three generations ago). While we enjoyed our 17-day stay at the NICU, we look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead for us at home.

We would like to thank Nurse Sandra, Nurse Julie, Nurse Amy, Nurse Regina, Nurse Dana, Nurses Karen(s), Nurse Shannon, Dr. Milleville, and all of the other nurses and doctors in the NICU at West Allis Memorial for taking such great care of us and making us well enough to go home. We would also like to thank them for their patience and compassion for us (and our parents) while we were there. We want them to know that while the NICU was a wonderful place to stay, the NICU just couldn't match the signing bonus and contractual arrangements that mommy and daddy offered and so that made the choice to leave the NICU a little easier

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Outlook = Home on Friday!

We met with the doctor this afternoon. Assuming the boys stay on track, including peeing all over their cribs and me, then the boys should be booted from the NICU on Friday afternoon. They will do their car seat tests tonight. If they fail, then we have to bring in two boxes full of styrofoam peanuts for shipping the boys home. Melissa and I are very excited. Melissa is so excited that she is taking another nap. I probably should, but I have to clean.

Night with the Boys

Our night with the boys went well. The boys ate at 8:00 p.m., 11:00 p.m., 1:00 a.m., 4:30 a.m. and at 8:00 a.m. and they did fine at each feeding. their feeding tubes have not been put back in (after they both rippd them out last night!). We didn't sleep much, and it was pretty much sleeping in intervals, although I did sleep from about 3:00 a.m. to 7:15 whereas Melissa was stuck with the 4:30 feedings since I did not wake up when the boys were signaling that they were hungry. I have already apologized to my wife that I am a sound sleeper at times. We will head back early this afternoon to talk to the doctor. Melissa is taking a nap right now. Oh yeah, Hayden peed on us and the walls of the suite two times last night. I think that since we were in a new room in the hospital that he was just marking his territory.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

T-Minus 36 Hours 53 Minutes

Boys are still going strong! Chug, chug, chug . . . .

Ad Libbin'!!! T-Minus 46 hours 30 minutes

The Boys are two weeks old today!!!

Melissa and I met with the Doctor today at 11:30 a.m. He authorized the boys to start ab lib feeding today! They need to feed solely through bottles or nursing for 48 hours. Once they hit that mark to the doctor's satisfaction, then they can go home! They very well could be home by Friday night!

I came home because Hayden peed all over me when I was changing him. Oh well. He also ripped out his feeding tube for the 17th documented time. He is averaging more than 1 rippout per day that he was in the NICU.

Melissa and I are spending tonight with the boys at the hospital too! Pets are all taken care of so no worries. T-minus 46 hours and 25 minutes!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I set it up so anyone can comment now. Before you needed a blogger id, I guess. Sorry for any confusion. Comment away to your heart's content!

happy belated birthday laura

Prepare for War!!!

Melissa and I dropped off the car seats tonight. I carried both seats in and several people stopped to ask if we were having twins. I didn't know what to say, so I told these people that I just found these car seats behind Cousin's Subs and was looking to sell them for a little cash, no checks. They said, "Congratulations." It felt good to know the boys were close to riding home in them.

We brought in the car seats, because once the boys start the 48-hour ad lib cycle, if ever, then the nurses will test the boys in the car seats for one hour to determine whether they can withstand being restrained for such time and in that position. If they pass, then they go home in their car seats. If they fail, then they package them in a box with styrofoam peanuts.

The boys both fed really, really well today and tonight. They both took bottles or nursed at each feeding from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and they were only supplemented a little bit through the tubes. If they do well through the night, then we might be in pretty good shape for them to start going ad lib on Thursday or Friday.

As of tonight, we have been home one week without them. The boys turn two weeks old tomorrow.

We are getting the first-floor war room set up. We moved the pack-n-play that we got from Melissa's mom's sisters and cousins Linda and Jenny into the family room. We also moved the big swing and a little vibrating chair in as well. Hailey's toys got moved out to the living room. The cats' toys got moved to the basement. We threw the fish out since he became expendable and was draining to many household resources. No one better call the Humane Society . . . . Actually, I bought our lonely goldfish a few friends and an algae eater.

The boys' bedroom is basically done except for anything that Melissa decides to hang from the walls. Our bedroom could use some help. The garage is still clean, but the basement is full of baby stuff to be used over the next few months and years.

Everything is starting to fall into place, which means it can only fall apart once the boys get home!!!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Hayden, Donovan, and their friend Billy Reuben

The boys' bilirubin levels were stable today. A blood test is conducted to measure bilirubin and to determine whether a high level warrants the return of the glow worm light to prevent jaundice. Their levels were low enough and they will not get their glow worm lights back.

The boys were chugging their meals very well today when we were with them this morning and tonight. They had to be gavaged this afternoon, but they came back chugging for their next two feedings. That is a good thing.

When we were there tonight, Donovan wouldn't go back to sleep. He just laid there staring out into the big wide world of the NICU (sans hiccups, which is what he usually does when he is staring). This kid is going to be a professional starer on ESPN when he gets older. The other night, I clocked him at over a minute without fully blinking, and he is ready to drop a staring beat-down on any visitors.

Both boys passed their hearing examinations. Congratulations guys! We will be hosting a party at the NICU Wednesday night at 2:30 a.m. to celebrate. If anyone wants to attend, then just show up. No RSVP required or expected. BYOB.

I completed part II of my stress test today and got a second shot of nuclear material in my blood. My grade on the test is an incomplete, because I have not heard the results yet. However, turn off the lights, and I'll glow. Melissa banned me from our bomb shelter for fear of contaminating it with radiation.

The nurse who helped with my stress test had twin girls born late-34 weeks and they both stayed in the NICU for 12 days. She and her husband actually stayed at the hospital the whole time. We had that option available, but it costs money after a while, and we only live 10-15 minutes away depending on traffic. She said that one day, her girls just clicked with the feeding and they were sent home soon after. The boys have been in for 12 days now. We'll be home soon.

Link to Hayden's Video

A Good Day (sort of)

Today was the real first day with downswings that I think have truly affected us. Maybe we were immune to any downswings before and just didn't care because we always felt we saw progression. This morning was different. The boys did not nurse from the bottle from their 11:00 p.m./12:00 a.m. feedings on Saturday through their 5:00 a.m./6:00 a.m. feedings on Sunday. They were absolutely exhausted, and the nurses just gavaged the boys through their feeding tubes, because they were too tired to even try and feed from a bottle. Melissa and I slept in on Sunday and went to the 11:00 a.m./12:00 p.m. feedings. Both boys were still too tired to nurse or take a bottle at these feedings. This was not good, as it seemed like a definite step backwards since the boys have nursed or taken a bottle from us on nearly every visit over the last 5 days. This made us worry.

During their feedings, we met with the doctor, and he examined the boys as part of their daily check up. He said that both of them physically are doing well, and they had not had anymore heart or lung (apnea) spells that were severe enough to cause him concern. They will have their blood tested again Monday morning to determine whether their blood levels warrant the return of their glow worm lights. All in all, the doctor's report was good. The only downside was his statements that the boys need to gather up the strength to eat from the bottle or from Melissa for 48 straight hours (ad-lib feeding) before they can even be allowed to go home (which he has previously told us). Right now though, the boys are physically unable to feed from Melissa or the bottle for more than 9 - 12 hours it seems since they get so tired. Therefore, it looks like they will be spending some more time in the NICU, and possibly well into Memorial Day weekend. We know right now they will not be home at least until after Wednesday (based on the 48 hour rule and the 24 hour focus time).

The thought of the boys staying any longer at the hospital has really put Melissa and me into the dumps. We have seen a lot of babies who were the same size but later in term come and go recently (in the NICU for a day or less), so that made things tough as well. We want the boys to come home so badly. However, we know the quality of care they are receiving at the NICU is better than we could provide at home. Additionally, they need an environment where they can rest and focus on gaining strength, and the NICU is the right environment for that.

They are 11 days old, which doesn't seem like much, especially since they would be almost 36 weeks if they stayed in the womb. But the fact is they are not 36 weeks along because they did not stay in the womb. They are premies, and we have to remind ourselves that they need more time to develop in the outside world than they would have needed had they stayed in the womb. Melissa and I have to remind ourselves that the babies that we see come in and then leave the NICU are often later term (36 weeks plus) and more developed than our boys are. The time our boys missed in the womb is simply tremendous when analyzed against the recovery time they need to make up for had they remained in the womb the same amount of time.

After the feeding and after listening to the doctor, Melissa and I did what any normal saddened people would do when the power to help your children is out of your hands but when they are in the quality care of others--we went shopping. We went to Wal-Mart to buy some AA batteries. $131.00 and change later . . . I don't think either of us felt any better. So we went home for two hours and continued getting the house ready for an eventual homecoming.

I had a good feeling in my stomach as we went back to the hospital. We came back to the NICU at 5:00 p.m. and the night got better. Both boys nursed really well and both took bottles very well at the 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. feedings. That made us really happy. They also both gained some weight (whereas they lost weight on Saturday), which was like icing on the cake for the evening.

All in all, it stoked that hope that we trust these two little guys to work hard to come home. The doctor has continuously said that it is up to them, and he is right. As a father, I am learning a valuable lesson--I have to trust and have faith in these two kids to do their best and work their way through a very difficult problem with little to no help from us. There will be many more times that this will arise in our lifetimes. Right now, it is very nice having that gut feeling knowing that they will overcome this obstacle and be all right, and also knowing that overcoming this obstacle will be a good start for them.

Video of Hayden after drinking a bottle on May 20, 2007

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Advice for Melissa and Kyle

I have received some really helpful advice from people over the last week. It includes:
(1) sleep now while they are in the NICU because you will never sleep again . . . ever. (If you try to defy this advice, then try to sleep when they sleep).
(2) Accept offers of help.
(3) Cover the boys' packages with a wipe immediately after taking off the diaper to protect the walls, eyes, dog, and other things that you do not want covered with pee.
(4) Forget having a clean house. Just make sure it is clean enough to be acceptable to Social Services.
(5) If you play Judas Priest albums backwards, they actually play lullabies that put children to sleep very quickly.
(6) You may only get to watch what is on the DVR (except Packer games which must be watched live).
(7) Its easy to be a good parent, because you want to be a good parent.

If you have helpful advice for Melissa and Kyle, then please post it in the comment section to this post!!!! We welcome all of it!!!

If you have any helpful advice for Hayden and Donovan, then save it for when you can whisper it into their ears outside of Dad's hearing.

Hitting the Bottle!!!

Both boys are still fine and are cute as hell. Both have given up their glow lamps and have taken to liking their NICU cribs. They also started bottle feeding and they are trying real hard to get through 1/3 to 1/2 the bottle. Melissa is still breast feeding them a few times a day as well. The tube is still the primary feeding source. Still no news on when they will come home but my guess is it will be mid-next week. Over the last few nights, the nurses have hinted at 7 to 10 more days, with the caveat that it is truly up to Donovan and Hayden.

Both boys weighed in tonight at 5 lbs 4.8 ozs (Hayden) and 5 lbs 2.4 ozs (Donovan). They both gained a little weight which is a good thing, but might also be indicative of what remains from the last feeding. Donovan threw up his entire 5:00 p.m. feeding so who knows, maybe he would have weighed a little more.

Melissa decided to start dressing them rather than allowing the hospital to use the standard straight-jacket shirt on the boys. Hayden went through three outfits in a matter of 6 hours and Donovan blew through two today in a span of four hours. Way to go guys! The washer and dryer are running right now. The over/under on the washer and dryer lasting is November 28, 2007. Place your bets.

The doctor said the remainder of the boys stay would be boring. The only excitement would come if something bad happened. He was wrong. I have found excitement in numerous areas--and particularly the nightly weigh-i n and guessing what might be in their diapers. My guesses are pretty close (I always guess higher than what they really weigh, since i am not a mean guy). I also guess what might be in their diaper when it needs to be changed. I always guess it will be empty, and I am pleasantly surprised each time with something mysterious and unearthlike. I have contacted NASA to see if they can help determine what might be in these diapers. I'll let you know their findings if they let me. Alright, I am going to bed. Melissa is already out cold.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Weight Watchers

I went back to the hospital tonight to see the boys. I missed them. Donovan and Hayden got weighed tonight when I was back. Hayden grew from 5 lbs 3 ozs to 5 lbs 3.7 ozs. Donovan, however, lost more weight. He went from 5 lbs 2 ozs to 5 lbs 1 oz. Donovan (5 lbs 7.5 ozs) started out heavier than Hayden (5 lbs 4.5ozs). The boys will begin trying to drink from bottles on Wednesday afternoon and I hope they take to it. I don't want to see either of them with an IV again. I also want them to come home at the same time. If things look gloomy, then I may ask the doctor if we can introduce Donovan to "Fourth Meal" at Taco Bell--a for-sure weight-gaining endeavor.

Hayden and Donovan Together!!!



Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Melissa and I voluntarily left the hospital tonight at 6:59 p.m. before our scheduled booting at 7:00 p.m. We are very appreciative of West Allis Memorial for allowing us to stay an extra two days for free. The staff was very kind to us over these last few days. We are now home, but the boys will remain for a while. We will head back tomorrow morning. Right now, we are trying to get settled back into our home.

Both boys no longer have IVs, but not by the boys through brute strength. The hospital staff removed them. Grandma Sue got to be the first person besides us and the hospital staff to hold them. The boys are still primarily eating from the feeding tubes, but they will start on bottle feeding tomorrow afternoon, with the assistance of the tubes of course. Donovan also had his glow lamp removed today. Hayden will probably give his up tomorrow afternoon. They may get them back since they were somewhat borderline.

Last night, Hayden beat out Donovan in the nightly weigh in by weighing 5 lbs 3 ozs to Donovan's 5 lbs 2 ozs. has the over/under tonight set at 5lbs 3 ozs for both of them. Betting ends at 10:30 p.m.

Both boys are exhibiting some very cute and funny traits. Hayden will inch-worm his way down to the base of his NICU crib and the completely unravel himself from the swaddling wrap without even making a sound. He is very quick at it too, and he does it while he is sleeping. We call him "Houdini" because it is like he breaks out of a straight jacket. Donovan gets the hiccups really badly and just sits there in his NICU crib hiccuping and staring at the nurses through the window. He has big handsome eyes. They will hopefully develop more redeeming traits as they grow. For now, we get great enjoyment out of these two boys.

Monday, May 14, 2007


Hayden and Donovan decided that in order to celebrate the beautiful weather outside today, they would leave their incubators and move to NICU cribs--hopefully for good. The move to the cribs is a big step. They both held their body temperatures up for 24 hours. They still have their glow worm lights for the jaundice.

They also both got reweighed tonight. Hayden now weighs more than Donovan. Hayden weighed 5 lbs 3 ounces. Donovan weighed 5 lbs 2 ounces. Donovan weighed more at birth. Donovan is currently leading the "I peed on Dad while he was changing my diaper contest" by a score of 3 - 1.

Donovan's IV came out tonight too, so he is entirely reliant on the feeding tube and on Melissa for food. Hayden's should come out sometime tomorrow. Their next big step is to learn to eat from the bottle or from Melissa in entirety. We still do not know how long they will be here, but we are guessing--uneducatedly--at about a week or so. Hopefully less.

More pictures should be up by late Tuesday night. I may post another video too. Melissa and I along with our stuff will get escorted out of the hospital around 7:00 p.m. I don't know what we will do--whether we will stay at the hospital and hang out with the boys and then go home or whether we will just head home. Either way, it will be sad. I am going to ask the folks at the hospital if they have janitors closet for us to stay in just in case.

Mother's Day

Sunday was a good day overall, but it had its ups and downs. On the positive side, West Allis Memorial is allowing us to stay for a few more days free of charge. In the morning they did not think they would be able to, but in the afternoon they ended up having space for us. We are very excited because this will help Melissa (1) since she can't drive for 2 more weeks, and (2) it will make it easier on her recovery so now she doesn't have to get in and out of the car all the time until later this week.

We also had some really nice visitors who brought lovely flowers, Brewers bibs and outfits, and other fun stuff on Sunday. We also celebrated Grandpa Dan's birthday.

Additionally, the NICU nurses did an awesome thing for us on Sunday. Both boys had not been together since they were sent to the NICU right after birth. The NICU Nurse turned Hayden's incubator to face Donovan's and set it up so they had enough cord lengths to meet half way so Melissa could hold both of them at the same time. They also sat together in a rocking basinette which I will post pictures of. this was a once in a while kind of thing, so we don't expect to be able to do it again anytime soon.

On sadder notes, the boys aren't coming home with us when we have to move out of the hospital, and in all likelihood they won't be coming home this week. They both dropped fairly significant amounts of weight yesterday and the both weighed in at around 5 lbs 1-2 ounces. Both are juandiced and look like little glow worms in their isolets with their special lights. Hayden also is showing some problems with breathing and with his heart beat, so that may affect his recovery. Mom, he does not have a murmur.

All in all, we are doing ok. Melissa got some bling/icees on a necklace from her boys for Mother's Day so that made her happy. She also got to give them a bath. Melissa and I are both tired, and we know we will only be more tired when we get home with them. The 2 hours on, 1 hour off schedule is definitely tough

I will post some pictures of Hayden and Donovan's official "holding by momma" once I get the chance to post the pictures.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

A few things

(1) If a post or pictures disappear, be sure to click on older posts at the bottom of the web page or on the right side of this page to access these posts.

(2) The Youtube video link is as follows:

(3) To all of you who have called and left messages, thanks for the support and kind words. I will try and call you back as time permits, but please know that right now Melissa and I are primarily with the boys in the NICU (and they do not allow cell phones in the NICU. I have been busted twice already by the NICU nurses (who are very nice)). If I don't get back to you, please know that I will try in the near future.

(4) To the persons who visited or sent flowers, cards, outfits, pajamas, baby hats, baby socks, and snuggle ducks, as well as the ultra-posh Chico high chair that was shipped to us, we appreciate everything and most importantly your support.

(5) Feel free to leave candid comments on this website in the comments section. If you think my camera angles are poor, then please let me know.

Good News, Bad News, and Other News!!!!

Good News: Hayden and Donovan no longer have IVs coming out of their heads.

Bad News: Hayden and Donovan both thought they would prove how tough they were by tearing their IVs out of their heads. Now they have their IVs in their feet. It was very sad to see them cry (and bleed), but they are alright and doing fine after todays little scares.

Other News: Both of them remain in their incubators and will stay inside them for some time. They may get lights tomorrow since both are showing signs of Jaundice.

Melissa and I visit them as often as we can and we spend about an hour and a half with them when we visit. they are on 3 hour intervals. During the first hour, Donovan is usually awoken first for his vitals and feeding. He moved from 8ccs of formula late last night all the way to 14ccs tonight. Hayden did the same, just a little bit slower in pace. We usually hold Donovan for 45 minutes or so and Melissa may try to breast feed him. During the second hour, Melissa will hold Hayden and try to feed him and I will hold Donovan during that time for several minutes. I will then hold Hayden. then we go hang out upstairs for an hour or so. We repeat this cycle through out the day and part of the night. Melissa will usually go back to the room to nap or pump in the intervening hour.

Everything seems to be going all right. Both of them appear to be progressing and they are not dropping significant amounts of weight . . . yet. The doctors forewarned us it may come. Both boys have been able to latch on to Melissa with feeding which is a very good thing.

Melissa and I will stay in the hospital at least through Tuesday if they have rooms available. That way, Melissa does not have to travel in the car and risk any injury to herself from her surgery. We may stay longer depending on the outlook for the boys, again, assuming the hospital has room.

Pictures of Hayden from Friday and Saturday!!!

Pictures of Donovan from Friday and Saturday!!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Feeding, diapers, plastic housing, and sleep

All is good at West Allis Memorial.

Both boys are still on IVs and are now getting more vitamins, proteins and fats, than just sugar water. They are also taking 2 - 4 ccs of formula or breast milk every three hours along with the IVs. They need to eat 35ccs of formula or breast milk every three hours to meet their caloric requirements to leave the NICU. The NICU doctor authorized Melissa to try breast feeding both of them to at least start getting them used to the process and maybe to get a little extra nourishment in the process. She tried this afternoon and Donovan latched on for a little while and hopefully he got something. Hayden had other things on his mind. We will try again late tonight.

I changed three diapers so far while they were in the incubators. We now have 7297 diapers left to change. Much like the billable life requirement, I have now set up the diapered life requirement.

It looks like the boys will stay in their plastic houses at least through the weekend and then we will see what new structure they can live in the NICU.

While we do not have the boys with us in our room, we still get to wake up every two-and one-half hours for Melissa to use the breast pump. I wash the pump parts when she is done, then I deliver the goods to the NICU, and then I get to check on the boys, and then go back to bed. The nurses spelled me on the 5:00 a.m. run and cleaning last night, but Melissa does not have that luxury of delegating. Not once has she complained though. She is definitely going to be a dedicated mom.


The Boys are hanging out in incubators right now!!! They heard rumors that it snows in Wisconsin in May so they decided to hang out where its guaranteed to be warm. They are both breathing fine now, but they are not eating as well or maintaining a normal body temperature so they will stay in NICU for the time being. Melissa and I went in tonight and held both of them for a while. It was the first time since they were born that we have really had the chance to hold them for longer than a few moments.

Melissa and will be in the hospital it looks like at least through the weekend and maybe some more. We are at West Allis Memorial which is on Layton and 90th. It is a wonderfully nice facility and the staff has been great. We are in room 3003 if you desire to visit. Call my cell phone first though to let me know you are coming. Also, they do not allow small children in the NICU.

I came home tonight to upload the pictures and videos. I checked out their room too! Thanks to Grandpa Dan and Uncle Greg, Hayden and Donovan's bachelor pad (nursery) is nearly completed.

Grandpa Tom is headed up early next week to check out his new grandsons and his new grand daughter Sonja who my sister gave birth to in February.

Mom and Dad!!!

Donovan is pissed!!!! Hayden is chillin'!!!!

Donovan's Baby Pictures

Hayden's Baby Pictures

Baby Video

Here is the link to Hayden and Donovan's first baby video:

I filmed this in the NICU about one hour and 30 minutes after they were born.

Love it when they call me . . .

Thank you to all of you for your kind words and support right now! From people singing a certain Notorious BIG song into my voicemail, and even to those accusing us of being closet Iowa Hawkeye fans (for allegedly naming Hayden after Hayden Fry), Melissa and I are absolutely grateful for all of you.

Special props go out to those unnamed souls who cleaned our house and mowed our lawn today along with putting together that last crib. Thank you very much.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

27 Days Went By Quick . . . Twin Babies BORN!!!!

Hayden Daniel Gulya was born at 6:59 p.m. on Wednesday, May 9, 2007. He weighed in at an impressive 5lbs. 4.5OZ.s and was approximately 17 inches long.

Donovan Thomas Gulya was born at 7:00 p.m. He weighed in at an even more impressive 5lbs. 7.5Ozs and he was also about 17 inches long.

Melissa is doing well. Both boys will be in the Neonatal ICU for a while and maybe a couple weeks depending on their recovery and growth.

I'll keep you posted with more details and pictures soon.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The first video

Following is the link to the ultrasound for Hayden and Donovan:

Hayden = Baby A
Donovan = Baby B

27 more days to D-Day!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

28 Days to go

Melissa is 34 weeks as of Monday, May 7, 2007! The boys are growin' big and appear to be comparable in size at around 4lbs 12 ozs each as of 33 weeks. The doctors want to schedule their delivery for Monday, June 4, 2007. That means we have less than four weeks of freedom left.